Build a Better Brand with Your Words

Website Copywriting

Turn your website into your best salesperson with words that do the selling for you.

Email Campaigns

Tell your readers exactly what they need to hear to get excited to buy what you sell.

Blog Content

Go from boring to badass with powerfully crafted posts that build trust and authority.

“When I first saw the draft of my email campaign, I thought there was no way my lead magnet was going to live up to Megan’s copy—but it all works together so flawlessly now. I feel really good knowing what's about to land in people's inboxes.”

-Shay Bocks

“Working with Megan was life changing. She was so patient and believed in us from the jump while helping us find our voice and figure out our sales pitch. Now we have so much more clarity in our business which is why we could confidently raise our rates.”

-West and Shina Madison

“Megan has the nicest way of lighting things on fire. She saw what I was going for and made it so much better.”

-Sara Dunn

I Write How You Talk so People Buy What You Sell

Hey! I’m Megan Hogan, and I want to be your copywriter. There’s a strategy to knowing what to say, how to say it, and what words to put where. There’s a way to talk about how great your business is that isn’t braggy, salesy, or obnoxious. And there’s a structure to follow that makes it insanely easy for people to give you money. Let’s get those words workin’ for ya. Come with me.  I know a shortcut.

ready to stand out and sell?

Pass me the torch. I’ll take it from here.